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sodom 30 years of sodomized box-set

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30 Years Sodomized 1982-2012 / 3CD+2LP / Box limited edition


CD1 - Official Bootleg – The Witchhunter Decade:
'Sepulchral Voice' (Rehearsal, 1984)
'Obsessed By Cruelty' (Recorded Live In Belgium, 1985)
'After The Deluge' (Recorded Live At Metallize Festival, 1986)
'Conjuration' (Recorded Live At Scum, Holland, 1987)
'Proselytism Real' (Recorded Live At Metallize Festival, 1987)
'Conqueror' (Recorded Live In Holland, 1987)
'My Atonement' (Recorded Live At Scum, Holland, 1987)
'Outbreak Of Evil' (Recorded Live In Germany, Zeche Bochum, 1988)
'Persecution Mania' (Recorded Live In Switzerland, Sargans, 1988)
'Magic Dragon' (Recorded Live In Germany, Braunschweig, 1989)
'Shellfire Defense' (Preproduction, 1990)
'The Saw Is The Law' (Preproduction, 1990)
'Bloodtrails' (Preproduction, 1990)
'Body Parts' (Recorded Live In Japan, 1992)
'Skinned Alive' (Recorded Live At Wdr Festival, 1992)
'Sons Of Hell' (Demo Version)

'Burst Command `Til War'
'Brandish The Sceptre'
'My Atonement'
'Christ Passion'
'Tired And Red'
'Baptism Of Fire'
'The Saw Is The Law (Splatting Version)'
'Shellfire Defense'
'Tarred Anf Feathered'
'The Crippler'
'Delight In Slaying'
'Into Perdition'

'Gathering Of Minds'
'Unwanted Youth'
'That's What An Unknown Killer Diarized'
'Warlike Conspiracy'
'Spiritual Demise'
'Book Burning'
'Where Angels Die'
'Hatred Of The Gods'
'Lords Of Depravity'
'Kamikaze Terrorrizer'
'In War And Pieces'

Double-LP: Official Bootleg – The Witchhunter Decade

Side A:
'Sepulchral Voice' (Rehearsal, 1984)
'Obsessed By Cruelty' (Recorded Live In Belgium, 1985)
'After The Deluge' (Recorded Live At Metallize Festival, 1986)
'Conjuration' (Recorded Live At Scum, Holland, 1987)

Side B:
'Proselytism Real' (Recorded Live At Metallize Festival, 1987)
'Conqueror' (Recorded Live In Holland, 1987)
'My Atonement' (Recorded Live At Scum, Holland, 1987)
'Outbreak Of Evil' (Recorded Live In Germany, Zeche Bochum, 1988)

Side C:
'Persecution Mania' (Recorded Live In Switzerland, Sargans, 1988)
'Magic Dragon' (Recorded Live In Germany, Braunschweig, 1989)
'Shellfire Defense' (Preproduction, 1990)
'The Saw Is The Law' (Preproduction, 1990)

Side D:
'Bloodtrails' (Preproduction, 1990)
'Body Parts' (Recorded Live In Japan, 1992)
'Skinned Alive' (Recorded Live At Wdr Festival, 1992)
'Sons Of Hell' (Demo Version)

Rok vydání: 2012

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