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PLACEBO Battle For The Sun (2009 Deluxe Vinyl Box Set)

- [28.1. 2025]
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PLACEBO Battle For The Sun (2009 Deluxe Vinyl Box Set) - 1
PLACEBO Battle For The Sun (2009 Deluxe Vinyl Box Set) - 2
PLACEBO Battle For The Sun (2009 Deluxe Vinyl Box Set) - 3
PLACEBO Battle For The Sun (2009 UK Deluxe Limited Edition mixed format Box Set, featuring two hardback bound books in hard back picture slipcase. Book one includes one CD for the full album with two bonus tracks, a CD-R to burn live records downloaded from selected live dates on the tour, along with two DVD's featuring a live show and In the studio 'The making of Battle For The Sun' film. Along with an integral 32 page photo book. Book Two has Two Heavy Vinyl LP's with two Bonus Tracks, and 16 pages of exclusive artwork, lyrics & photos.

Book 1
CD1: Full album + 2 bonus tracks (CD-14 and CD-15)

CD2: CD-R / Live album tracks from forthcoming world tour – Blank CD that allows the exclusive download of live recorded tracks, from selected live dates.

DVD1: Live at Angkor Wat. Full concert performance shot in December 2008 of the band’s only show last year which was the first ever rock show to take place at the world famous Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.
PLUS a film documenting the band’s trip to Cambodia, behind the scenes footage and interviews with the band.

DVD2: In the studio; The making of 'Battle For The Sun' the album. A film, featuring never before seen ‘fly on the wall’ footage of Placebo, in the studio, recording the new album. Film includes studio interviews with the band.

32 page photo book featuring exclusive artwork, photos from Angkor Wat and Cambodia plus lyrics and original handwritten lyrics.

Book 2
2 x Heavy Vinyl LP (2 Bonus Tracks: D2 and D3)
16 pages of exclusive artwork, lyrics & photos.


Petr Zlaty


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Lokalita:Mapa386 01 Strakonice


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4 000 Kč
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